Baby Noah's Story Continues...
Imagine the pressure felt by a single mother of three already struggling through caring for a child with sickle cell disease? Each paycheck, she was putting aside a little more for an abortion. Something told her to reach out for help from Queen City Pregnancy Resource Center. Here, she received the medical care, practical, and emotional support she needed to reclaim her hope and discover a path forward. One year later, stem cells from baby Greysen’s umbilical cord are curing his brother Noah’s blood disease. This family’s story reminds us that, as we are faithful and generous with our time and resources, miracles are always in the making.
At last check, Noah had a low-grade fever and could still not safely be out in public. Please continue to pray for Quenetta, Madison, Noah, McKenzie, and Greysen.
“It has been a long journey, and I almost gave up.
But the pregnancy resource center saved me.
To know that I have people praying for me and love me
and to know that God is good.
I have a testimony of that.” ~Quenetta